
Our staff is dedicated to the learning experience of our students by building a community cultivated in a Christ-centered and transformative living environment.


凯利伊森位置: 住宿生活主任

度获得: B.A. 专攻外交事务

爱好: Reading, traveling, baking, and collecting books, globes, tea pots, and house plants.

居住年限: 3 years as the Director of Housing of a smaller college and 5 ½ years as a Resident Director/ 居住生活 Coordinator at a sister school.

在这个领域你最喜欢的是什么?: 对学生来说,上大学是一段令人困惑的时光. 他们正在成长为成年人, 作为一名学生, 决定自己是谁,想成为什么样的人. The best part of my job is watching those transitions and providing students opportunities to grow and connect to others.

你为什么申请住宿生活?: I applied to HSU in order to continue being a part of a Christ-centered atmosphere, 继续接受高等教育, 帮助宿舍生活部的发展!

你有什么建议给就读于大的学生?: 出现. 按时上课, 参加听起来有趣的活动, show up for your friends and most importantly – show up for yourself.

布雷克阿什福德位置: 住宅主管

家乡: 安森,TX

度获得: 工商管理学位

你的爱好是什么?? 和我的家人在一起. 我也是达拉斯牛仔队的忠实球迷.

居住生活有多少年? 这是我第一年的工作.

What is your favorite thing about working in PG电子官方免费下载/Higher Education/Residence life? My favorite thing about working in Residence life is the relationships you build. 看到学生在HSU的成长是一件很有趣的事情. 你为什么申请住宿生活? I applied to be in 居住生活 because I strongly felt this is where the Lord was leading me. I wanted the opportunity to walk alongside students and help them take their next steps with Christ.

你有什么建议给就读于大的学生? The advice I would give to those attending HSU is to enjoy every moment. Take this time to build relationships, make memories, and most importantly grow in Christ. 马太福音7:7说, “问, and it will be given to you; seek, and you find; knock, 这门必为你打开.“你生命中的这个季节过得很快,所以不要希望它消失. 有意识地使用你的时间,不断地寻求他的同在. “Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!——诗篇105:4

位置: 安德森公寓主任

家乡: 布里斯托,弗吉尼亚州

度获得: 复合科学教育学士学位

你的爱好是什么??: Anything creative, I love crafting, sewing, baking, and of course, meeting new people.

居住生活有多少年? 多长时间,容量是多少?: 这是我担任安德森公寓主任的第一年. 然而, 当我上HSU的时候, I was a Residence Assistant for a year in the 大学广场公寓.

在这个领域你最喜欢的是什么?: 我喜欢住宿生活的很多地方, but the best is being a part of a team that is so committed to the students and to building relationships.

你为什么申请住宿生活?: 我申请住宿生活是因为在我就读的这些年里, HSU成了我的家, 充满了伟大的榜样和鼓励.

你有什么建议给就读于大的学生? For those attending HSU, my piece of advice would be to go all in for campus events. College can be a time or growth and joy but it all depends on who you surround yourself with.

位置: 贝伦斯宿舍主任

家乡: 威灵顿,TX

度获得: 农业与应用经济学学士学位

你的爱好是什么??: 打猎、钓鱼和露营

居住生活有多少年? 我在ResLife工作一年了

你最喜欢在学生宿舍工作的哪一点? The impact that I am able to make on Residents and RAs and the bonds that are built around campus.

你有什么建议给就读于大的学生? 好好享受你拥有的这段时间,尽你所能地参与其中, the connections and fun you have now will be remembered for the rest of your life.


位置: 弗格森宿舍主任

家乡: 德克萨斯州的沃斯堡

度获得:  理学学士

你的爱好是什么??:  I love to watch movies and I am open to exploring the possibilities of fun in a safe manner.

居住生活有多少年? 这里是哈丁西蒙斯, I have been an Resident Assistant for 3 years prior to me getting promoted to being  Resident Director.

你为什么申请住宿生活? I have a heart for youth and believe that I can have an impact through God’s gifts he has given me.

你有什么建议给就读于大的学生? 渴望被上帝所爱. I will put my bottom dollar on the relationship you will develop over these new seasons you are entering.

Leandria瑟曼位置: 朗格宿舍主任

家乡: 达拉斯,TX

度获得: Associate’s in Science from Dallas College; B.A. PG电子游戏平面设计专业毕业

你的爱好是什么?? 我喜欢画画,尤其是我自己创作的人物! I love to write, listen to music, cook, dance and go on cool adventures with my friends!

居住生活有多少年? 这将是我在ResLife的第二年! 我在PG电子游戏做了一年的住宿助理!

What is your favorite thing about working in PG电子官方免费下载/Higher Education/Residence life? My absolute favorite thing about working in higher education is the relationships you build and the connections you make. 当我能够向别人倾诉时,我就会感到快乐. 我真的很喜欢改变别人的生活.

你为什么申请住宿生活? I applied to be in 居住生活 because I wanted to make a huge difference in the students’ lives. I believe 居住生活 is the best place for this because it enables you to be very hands on with the students. It gives you a chance to mentor and help guide students during this time in their lives.

你有什么建议给就读于大的学生? My advice to students would be to step out of your comfort zone and seek God in all you do. 去体验不同的文化,并对它们保持开放的心态! You never know what doors it will open and what people you will meet! 在经历这一切的时候,不要忘记寻求神! 他为你准备了最好的计划,一切都很棒! 他会让你大吃一惊的! 和他在一起完全值得! 与上帝一起冒险永远是最好的!

赛斯Tiemeyer位置: 校园宿舍主任

家乡: 圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州

度获得: BSHS in 健身, 娱乐, and Sports Management; Minor in Marketing

你的爱好是什么?? 从事任何运动(最好是篮球), 董事会游戏, 游戏, 非功能性测试, 摄像, 看电影, 在大自然中冒险, 和阅读.

住多长时间? 这是我在宿舍生活的第一年!

你最喜欢这个领域的什么? 与学生互动和互动!


Many people attending college are still searching for their purpose, 就像我在大的时候一样. 我只知道如果上帝是真实的,如果他的话是真的, then everyone who turns from their sin and places their faith in the saving work that Jesus Christ did on the Cross will have a real, 生命去成就目的. 不要把你在大的所有时间都花在学习上. A degree and a well-paying job will never bring us true satisfaction; only Christ can do that.


  • 生活不仅仅是成绩、金钱和财产 & 状态. 所有这些都将逝去.
  • Here are three things that are eternal – God, God’s word, and people’s souls. 这是我们应该为之奉献生命的三件事.
  • 多读圣经,少看手机.
  • 锻炼和笑!
  • 生活最好与家人和朋友一起度过.
  • 在外面玩,再笑几声.
  • Joy comes from contentment in Christ, not your significant other.
  • 给予比接受更好.
  • 我们的主要目的是荣耀神,永远以他为乐.